You're Almost There!

A quick step to unlock your free audiobook.

Thank you for subscribing to the Obsidian River Productions newsletter! We just need you to confirm your subscription.

Step-by-Step Guide:

  1. “Check your email inbox for a confirmation message from us.”
  2. “Open the email titled ‘Confirm Your Subscription’.”
  3. “Click on the ‘Confirm Subscription’ button within the email.”
  • Note: “If you don’t see our email, please check your spam or junk folder.”

What's next?

As soon as you hit the ‘Confirm Subscription’ button, you’re all set to join our vibrant community of audiobook enthusiasts.

Look out for our welcome email, which will land in your inbox shortly after confirmation.

This email will include a unique code that you can use to select your free audiobook from our extensive catalog.

Choosing Your Audiobook:

  • Browse through our collection of captivating stories and select the one that resonates with you the most.
  • Enjoy an immersive listening experience, on us!

Remember, your free audiobook is just the beginning. Stay tuned for regular updates, exclusive offers, and captivating stories delivered straight to your inbox.