Project Value Analysis
Most organizations will be challenged with selecting between multiple technology projects when allocating their budgets. Without an easy means of comparing the value of projects it is easy to make an incorrect selection based on assumptions or emotion. My project analyzer tool provides a systematic means of comparing project value based on a consistent set of factors that can be measured and applied to each project opportunity.
The project analyzer is implemented in Excel and allows you to compare up to ten projects at a time. Simply enter the project name, whether or not the project will result in revenue generated or cost saved, how affordable the project is to complete, the net positive impact the project will have on your organization, and how easy the project will be for your organization to implement.
As these factors are filled in, the analyzer will display the comparative results in a visual, easy to interpret graph. You will see how the projects in your organization align and can decide where best to allocate your budget to achieve positive results.
Get The Tool
I provide this tool free to subscribers of my CTO as a Service Newsletter. Use the form below to sign up for the newsletter and receive the tool.
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