August 18, 2018



About Obsidian River

Obsidian River, Inc. is Focused on delivering digital marketing results for businesses, entrepreneurs, and organizations.

We believe that digital marketing strategy is critical at every stage of a businesses life cycle.  Just because you’re a startup or one person show doesn’t mean you can ignore it.

However, we also understand that marketing is not your business focus.  That’s why we are here to help.

We offer strategic web and social media marketing consulting for you to develop a plan for your business.  From there we can help you execute the implementation of that plan or help you put together your own team to carry it out. Either way, you are in the driver’s seat and determine which model works best for you.

We will be happy to talk to you about your current portfolio and strategy.  If you NEED a strategy we can help you plan that too.

Contact us today and let’s get started moving forward. Call or text toll free 877.758.2899
